
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Lapis & Gold

With the holidays rapidly approaching, things have really picked up in the studio.  I'll be posting sporadically over the next two months as I try to keep up with things - sorry in advance!

This past weekend, I wrapped up a pair of lovely lapis drops for these earrings...

From time to time, I thought it would be fun to show pictures of the different gemstones and metals that I use in my jewelry in their "natural state" - before they're cut, polished, heated, etc.  Sort of like a view of each in the wild!  I did some searching and found these beautiful examples of lapis and gold au naturel....

Gorgeous, huh?  I found both of these specimens on a fabulous site called Arkenstone.  If you're a rock lover like myself, you could search their website all day and never get bored.  Check them out if you get a chance at http://www.irocks.com/index.htm.


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