
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Let the design go where it may!

I really struggled with making this design come together.  I'd add stones, take them off, second guess and put them back on...and on and on for over an hour.  Finally I had to step back, take a big breath, and let the design go where it wanted to.  The results?  Proof that I need to listen to the muse and stop trying to control the ride.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

New packaging

A couple of months ago, I decided my website needed a face lift.  I considered having someone do the graphic design work for me, but my budget said NO.  That meant the only "graphic designer" I could afford was me, myself, and I.  After much angst and brain-pain, I finished the web work and a new look for my packaging as well.  Now that the pain is over and everything is back from the printer, I am thrilled to share the new look!

Birds, flowers, bright colors...oh yeah!  I hope you like it too.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

What's new for Fall 2013?

Geode slices!  I love geodes so I was thrilled to find these rustic beauties.  I'll be using these in long necklaces for Fall - some with leather, others with a mix of gemstones and chain.

Of course, I have to keep one for myself!  I had a hard time deciding which one, but in the end this beauty caught my eye.

The first one I'll work with will be the light gray circular one (top row middle).  Right now, I'm thinking about a mix of gray moonstone, tourmalinated quartz, pyrite and oxidized silver.  Can't wait to get started!